Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All good things..come to an end...

Well, my experience is almost over. That's okay!! I have met some awesome people. Worked with some hard working guys & gals. Saw an amazing country. Had an opportunity of a life time! Home to live for. What more can a girl from Bruce County want!!!!

For all of you who have followed my experiences, thank you. You all rock, and I am glad you enjoyed (as much as I).

Til next time....

Stay safe, work hard...and party even harder!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What's been happening...

Hey there folks! Been awhile. I have to admit I haven't done much travelling or spending money!! Jusst working during the week, and getting to know new friends at night. Partying, going out for dinner, having a potluck evening, movie night at the neighbours. A little shopping here and there, and doing my daily 5am walks (no, not the weekends). Just "living in Korea". I haven't been to well either, so that kinda knocked me down last week. We're thinking it could be the water, as there were a few of us not well.

I hope to do something this weekend. Weather is getting nicer, pool is open. Monsoon season hopefully is behind us.

I believe there is a trip to Seoul in my near future with Julie.

Hope all is well with you and your families. Sure do miss mine.