Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday, June 16

Happy 15th Birthday Nick! I love you!!

Today was my first day at work. What an amazing drive to the site!!! It's about 40 minutes through mountains and along the Sea of Japan. The Koreans call it the "East Sea". I didn't realize the plant was located on the sea! It's absolutely gorgeous!!! I did take a few pictures, but won't post them just yet, as they don't do justice to the actual view. I will have my car poolers stop for me at a few spots that we saw over the next couple of days, so I can post some good ones.

The road is a loooooooong winding road. Almost feels like you are on an amusement park ride. There are some spots that the road has a guardrail probably up to my knees and then a straight drop down!! Wicked!! Scary if your driving, I bet!! LOL Won't be me that's for sure! The road has so many bends,and the mounds of deep green trees that envelopes the mountains look like broccoli heads! It's so lush and green..a wonderful sight. It's a trip that sure wakes you up in the morning !! It's incredible.

I am working in the Training Mock Up building (TMB). That's the building were we put out the tools, simulate the tools and train the people before they actually go on the face of the reactor. I know, boring to you!! LOL But, it's a great set up. My office over looks the simulations. They have the A/C on, so like a geek, I am bringing a sweater in!! LOL It was freezing in there today...but gorgeous outside.

Saw some familiar faces, which was cool. Darrin and Dave...some local boys! Makes life a little easier when you know someone!! I also met a girl on my floor tonight that works with us. She is here for a few more weeks, so it gives me someone to hang with. COOL!! We can do day trips together, and/or just hang by the pool.

Well, it's been a long day. So, I'm gonna go relax now for a bit and put the old knee up.

Stay tuned for some pics...again, I do have some, but they don't do justice. I'll get better ones.

Miss my guys...

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